Overall rating

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

5 out of 5

Roger little

Air purifier

Rating overview

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

5 out of 5 stars
Excellent (5)
Very good (0)
Good (0)
Acceptable (0)
Unsatisfactory (0)


Review from Anonymous at 18.03.2022

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Super Produkt

Das Produkt ist sehr stylisch und funktioniert wie beworben. Top!

Review from Ewan Murray at 25.11.2019

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Great little air purifier!

This may be a long review however theres a lot to get through, so please bear with me. I initially bought a Roger Little Air Purifier a few weeks ago, in this time I was impressed with this purifying ability, however there was a strange trickling /rattle sound. After contacting Stadler form and providing a recording to their excellent sales team, the engineers advised that it was faulty. I was immediately contacted by their UK distributor, who arranged for the collection of the faulty unit and replacement. I have to say this process was painless and the faulty unit was collected on the same day the new unit was dropped off to me. The replacement roger little is honestly fantastic. It suits my needs to remove smoke and cigarette smell from my room, along with a ridiculous amount of dust (please note I clean regularly, I just never knew how much dust was about) The air sensor on the roger little works nicely, red, amber and blue denoting air quality. There is a difference between the roger little and roger air purifiers in this regard, the roger little has a gas sensor, where was the bigger brother, the roger, has a pm2.5 sensor and gas sensor. However that's not an issue here, and I'm not sure how it works, however the gas sensor on the little seems to register particulates from my vaporiser (electronic cigarette) even though it is advertised as a gas sensor. The only thing I'd love them to add is a filter with even more carbon or one specifically designed for smog and smoke. The filter that stadler form provide is effective at removing smells, but there is always room for improvement. However for most it wouldn't be an issue. So all in all, a nice, stylish, effective air purifier with excellent customer service throughout. I'd happily purchase another aur purifier from stadler form.

Review from Anonymous at 24.10.2018

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Little short almost a year, my 2 little daughters developing the same respiratory issue symptoms. Flu and dirty nose is a guarantee almost everyday. So I decided to buy a good air purifier instead of going to the doctor every month. And Roger Little didn’t dissapoint. It is dead simple and not having a learning curve is fantastic. The big-ass filter is really helping eliminating above symptoms and produces clean health air I believe. Design is superb, considerate pricing. Filter supply also directly available from distributor. I couldn't be happier!

Review from Anonymous at 13.12.2020

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Ich habe mir den kleinen Roger bei Fust geholt und bin sehr zufrieden! Er reguliert die Luft sensationell! Gerade bei kalter Aussentemperatur ist dies sehr sinnvoll, da man die Wärme im Raum speichern kann. Ich würde Ihnen auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen!

Review from Anonymous at 07.12.2019

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Wirkungsstark !

Gestern wurde der kleine Roger geliefert. Nach Inbetriebnahme dauerte es keine halbe Stunde und schon roch es in meinem Wohnzimmer nach "neu". Er ist mit ca. 6kg handlich und kann in jedem Zimmer eingesetzt werden. Startet rasch und ist einfach zu bedienen. Bei hoher Reinigungsstufe ist er relativ laut, aber auf der untersten Stufe hört man ihn kaum und ist trotzdem wirkungsstark. Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis stimmt hier optimal!