Alleviate and prevent allergy symptoms
Pollen, house dust mites and animal dander can not only trigger annoying symptoms such as sneezing and itchy eyes but can also significantly impact your quality of life. On this page, you can find out how to alleviate and prevent allergy symptoms. We explain how air purification can help you.

Warum Allergien bekämpfen?
Allergien beeinträchtigen nicht nur die Lebensqualität erheblich, sondern können auch zu ernsthaften gesundheitlichen Problemen führen. Unbehandelte Allergien können chronische Atemwegserkrankungen wie Asthma begünstigen und die allgemeine Lebensqualität mindern. Daher ist es wichtig, Allergie-Symptome frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu behandeln.
Auslöser von Allergien
Die Pollenallergie, auch Heuschnupfen genannt, ist eine der häufigsten Allergien. Sie tritt vor allem in den Frühlings- und Sommermonaten auf, weitet sich allerdings durch den Klimawandel auf einen immer längeren Zeitraum aus. Hausstaubmilben sind winzige Spinnentiere, die in nahezu jedem Haushalt zu finden sind. Sie können starke allergische Reaktionen auslösen. Auch Hunde und Katzen sind oft Träger von Allergenen, die empfindliche Personen stark belasten können.

Allergy symptoms and their effects
Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms, including sneezing, itchy eyes, blocked or runny nose, skin rashes and respiratory problems. These symptoms have a negative impact on quality of life. They also promote sleep disorders, tiredness and concentration problems.
If an allergy is not treated, it can become chronic and the inflammatory processes in the body may spread to other organs. For example, hay fever can develop into allergic asthma. Early treatment counteracts the spread. If you suspect you have an allergy, you should always consult a medical professional and have your symptoms investigated.

Tips for alleviating allergy symptoms
Regular airing of the rooms
Fresh air from outside helps to improve indoor air quality. Regular airing is recommended to ensure a good exchange of air. You can find tips on ventilation during different seasons in the following articles:

Avoidance of allergens
If possible, it is advisable to reduce contact with allergens as much as possible. For example, monitor the pollen count in spring and summer, see what time of day there is the least pollen flying around in your area and use this to determine the best time to open the windows. If you suffer from an animal allergy, you can invite your friends with pets over without their animals and ask them to wear fresh clothes.
Hygiene and cleanliness
Regular vacuuming and damp mopping help to minimise dust and mites. If you have an allergy, you should also wash your bed linen regularly (approx. once a week) at high temperatures or use allergy-friendly bed linen. It is generally recommended to wash bed linen at 60 °C. However, please also note the temperature on the label of your bed linen.
Air purifiers and air washers against allergy complaints

Air purifiers and air washers remove pollutants and allergens from the air, thereby contributing to improved indoor air quality. They filter particles such as dust, pollen, animal hair, bacteria and viruses. This reduces the burden on allergy sufferers and improves general health and well-being.